Auto Accident Injury Lawyer

Last Updat­ed on August 5, 2020 by acci­dents

Were You Injured in an Auto Accident? 

Every day dri­vers and pas­sen­gers get injured in an acci­dent that is no fault of their. Neg­li­gent dri­vers cause these accident. 

If You are a Victim of an Auto Accident, please Contact us Today at 877–659-9550

Our Auto Acci­dent Injury Lawyers would review your case for FREE and help you with your claim for your Auto accidents.

Up to $250,000 Medical Bills

Under the Per­son­al Injury Pro­tec­tion Cov­er­age (PIP) in New Jer­sey, the third ben­e­fit that your auto­mo­bile insur­ance pol­i­cy can cov­er is med­ical expense claims up to $250,000. Your per­son­al injury pro­tec­tion ben­e­fits are payable regard­less of who is at fault.

Free Consult — No Obligation

Call Today and Video Chat with Lawyers For Auto Accident Injury. Explain Your Accident in Detail and Get Honest Review of Your Case — 100% Free Consultation

No Injury Is Minor — Call Now

$4.26 Million for Auto Accident Injury. Call Now to Find Out How Your Case Compares with that Settlement !

Medical, Property, Wage Claims

Under the New Jer­sey Stan­dard Pol­i­cy, your auto insur­ance cov­er­age includes:

  • Income con­tin­u­a­tion, which pays lost wages up to the amount of cov­er­age you select­ed for your insur­ance policy
  • Essen­tial ser­vices, which pays for nec­es­sary activ­i­ties and ser­vices you would rou­tine­ly man­age your­self, such as clean­ing, mow­ing lawn, doing laun­dry, cook­ing, etc.
  • In event of death, the death ben­e­fit, which pro­vides mon­ey to fam­i­ly mem­bers or estates. Also, funer­al expense ben­e­fit, which pays for rea­son­able funer­al expens­es up to the lim­it you select
  • Unin­sured motorist cov­er­age, which pays you if you are in an acci­dent caused by a dri­ver with­out the legal­ly required min­i­mum insur­ance each dri­ver must have

Get A Fair Settlement For Your Injuries

$250,000 for Auto Accident Injury. Each Case is Different and Merits. Get A Free Consult About your Case and Merits !

Settle Out of Court; Get Paid Fast

$145,000 to Woman Hurt in an Auto Accident Due to Negligence of Someone Else. Call Now to Learn Why Your Case has More Value ?

Free Case Review — No Obligation

Don’t be a Victim Twice

If you are a victim of an Auto Accident, please contact us today at 877–659-9550